In September the HCA stopped publishing Minutes of our meetings on our web site. This was due to the increasingly sensitive material  relating to personel and finances at a particularly  delicate period. As the AGM is now approaching we have agreed to publish abridged minutes of the meetings which have been cleared of 'Exempt' material.

Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday 28th Sep2010 5.30 pm at Recreation, Rhode lane

Teresa Harvey said we needed 28 days notice for any dissolution and then formally at an AGM. HCA had to keep going as the responsible body. She confirmed that HCA was a legal entity and supported by SDC in this current role. She said that at the Unity meeting it was agreed to work with HAG on a possible CIC which was the desired route by both organisations . However she stressed that there wasn't much money left in the finances and it would need a properly constituted body in order to attract future funding. She said it was now important to achieve a more collaborative view of working together and Julie Cooper had been tasked by SDC with facilitating this. She emphasised that 1st december would be the target date to bring this to a conclusion so that SDC could move onto the key asset transfer.
She said SDC couldn't transfer assets to a group which isn;t sustainable. She was keen to open negotiations with HAG but they hadn;t been able to get a date arranged to meet so far.
CD said that he could assure her that there was a willingness and intent to have this meeting from the HAG side. He was also concerned that HCA funds wouldn;t last very long and they would soon be bankrupt.
JT said he recognised the serious plight of the HCA and town councillors had just helped out with £1000 towards running costs.
JC said that she felt 2-4 months to transfer assets was very tight and so we needed to make HCA a stronger organisation in that time in order to take control of the financial situation until any changeover. Until such time HCA was the host body and needed urgently to fundraise. She also felt the option of a Charitable body / limited company shouldn;t be taken out of the equasion at this stage and other Directors needed to be brought on board. BS said that he had taken the necessary actions with the help of Vista to confirm that both the Charity and the Dormant Ltd Company were legal, and had correct governance and believed that by the AGM there would be the option of a CIC (being drawn up by HAG) or a fall back position of re-building a re-branded HCA board with new members and governance including HAG and new trustees. But he felt that the most important thing was to stop the division in the community and make sure that the lack of trust was replaced by a spirit of co-operation so that at the AGM the community could amicably settle on the way forward and that SDC had serious options to make a choice on.

  1. Current situation at Companies House;- (see appendix 1) It had been said that HCA was in the process of being struck off by companies house. The secretary had investigated this and had taken several simple steps to correct this . He now had the authentication code from companies house which allowed the Annual return to be now submitted and had removed Board members that were no longer applicable (Rogers, Hocking,Parker) . He had investigated the situation regarding the current accounts and discovered in fact they had been submitted appropriately and had further forwarded the signed and audited 2010 accounts to Paul Steele for immediate inclusion.

7.Financial report;- Julie Cooper said that SDC had undertaken to co-ordinate the HCA accounts and to help write and submit the urgent Children in Need bid. The secretary said he had provided them with the HCA finances computer from Sandra Deadman and had written for and now received the original bid back from Children in Need.

8. current status of Edinburgh rd (Julie Raven);- Julie Raven had written her own job description as she said she had never had one. Steve Manley said he believed this wasn;t the case as Lynne had written one. It was agreed to locate the original and review it in line with the proposals provided by Julie.

9. Minibus There had been a request to remove the HCA minibus from the school premises due to a series of attacks on minibusses and the fact that it had been un-insured since july. SM had brought this to the secretarys attention on 24.9.10 and he had at once refered it to SDC requesting a site. JC said she believed that the minibus was bought by Blake School as it was agreed as the SRBs contribution to them achieving Science College Status.   Blake School say they passed it back to ReCreation or Hamp Junior and don’t have papers.    Steve Manley said that HCA has ownership and papers should be at 1 Edinburgh Road - Lynne and himself just offered to keep it on Hamp School’s Campus.We need these so that we can re-insure – we then have the issue of where to keep it.   Funds to insure it would need to come out of any remaining HCA funds then if the HCA cannot identify where to keep the vehicle TH & JC will have to seek permission to keep it at Colley Lane from higher management within SDC.

9 Mansfield Park Steering Group;- Was scheduled to meet during september- however TH said that this now had to take a back seat until the current HCA crisis was given priority.
10.Complaints Panel ;--The secretary confirmed that a panel meeting had been held. Steve Gill had been unable to attend and had approved KP in his stead. The panel had circulated a response to all involved and received no reaction at all apart from a note of thanks from Ben Harvey.
11. EDINBURGH ROAD;-LR confirmed that locks had been chanegd at the drop in centre at a cost of £xxxx. The secretary asked that now this phase was over he could investigate the lofts officially and make an audit of HCA and other items up there. It was agreed that he should do this with assistance from Steve Manley and Chris Done.
11.Dates of future Meetings; The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING was confirmed as 16 Nov 7.30 at Recreation . It would need to be publicised by 18 october. There would need to be one further meeting before then. This was agreed as tuesday 12th october.
Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday 12th Oct 2010 5.30 pm at Recreation, Rhode lane

a. Minibus;- Members were concerned that the HCA minibus had been removed from the school premises and taken to JJ motors against the wishes of the previous board meeting which had asked SDC to take the vehicle into storage. Members were concerned if it had been driven uninsured and also if the JJ storage was costing anything which hadn;t been approved . . CD said he had approached the school twice about the minibus and they were anxious that it be removed as it wasn't insured or MOT'd. He had then arranged for it to be taken using trade plates to JJs. The secretary said he had been called by Steve Manley with a request from the school to move it and so had asked SDC to do this only to find it had been moved by CD. He contacted JJ who confirmed they had the vehicle,and that there was no cost to it;s storage currently. He had asked them not to MOT the vehicle unless asked officially. JC said it was wrong for CD to have done this and it is equal responsibility of board members to carry out decisions made and not to unilaterally take actions. TH said that SDC insurance now covered the vehicle while in storage. JC said the bus could be taken to colley lane depot on a low loader. BS said he would contact JJ to find if the bus could stay there free of charge until such a time the board or future body had a plan and funds to deal with it. CD said that the CIC6 had a plan for the minibus and that as HCA had agreed to wind up it shouldn;t be looking at long term projects. TH said until it winds up HCA remains the responsible body for the assets.

  1. Constitution ;- The secretary said it was very important that we regularised our position in regards the Charities Commission as we needed to be watertight and stable in order to fundraise and to leave the HCA in a fit shape to hand over to whatever body took on the assets afterwards. He said there were clearly shortfalls in the consitution – particularly regarding membership , however, we needed to accept that the intent of the constitution – which had been approved by Charities Commission and all previous funding bodies , although flawed, could be interpreted as saying that membership was open to all adults on the Sedgemoor Hamp ward who wished to play a part in the organisation which could be identified by participation. This needed to be put to the AGM in November for approval or rejection and better wording or a different system could be genuinely introduced. He believed that the flaw was the lack of a simple register of members and that the intent of the constitution writers was that the electoral roll would provide that but this didn;t quite work in the current wording of the Constitution. The meeting however agreed to accept the spirit of the wording given it;s current longevity. CD asked if the HCA would wind up at the AGM .JC said she felt November was too soon for this as the CIC6 might not get their plans together by then and felt 3-4 months was more realistic. BS said he personally wanted a AGM in November because the community had written asking for a special meeting in August and they had agreed a Unity meeting in September leading to a AGM in November and felt it should be held then. He said he personally had no desire to remain as secretary or board member past this time. SA said we had agreed to wind the HCA up 'in a timely manner' which could realistically be 4 months as suggested. BS said that the latest the AGM could be held was january and he agreed with JCs opinion on timescale but felt that he should discuss with the CIC6 their timescale and take this into account. The Board agreed that the AGM should take place no later than January 2011 and that notice needed to be sent out 28 days before.

6 The Unity Agenda TH said SDC had met with the CIC6 and progress was being made. She was particularly encouraged that they wished to work with the HCA and had asked the secretary to their meetings. BS said he agreed with this and would immediately start talks with them concerning his Transitional proposals which he believed should include at least a Community Unity meeting in November when a CIC6 progress report could be made alongside a HCA report back on the strategy it had been aiming at – vis a charitable status alongside a trading arm . He felt this option needed to be retained by whatever body continued the HCA role and made clear as a viable option alongside the CIC option . JC stressed that it would not be the community choosing but SDC as to who and in what form the assets were transferred. TH reminded the meeting of her December deadline.

7.Financial report;- JC had been dealing with the Children in Need bid and stressed that the establishment of good governance and the correct filing of documents,status and accounts with the charity commission was crucial to achieving this

8. Edinburgh rd (Julie Raven);- no report

9. Re-Creation (Les Riddle) – no report

10 Mansfield Park Steering Group;- BS said he noted that TH wished to sideline this issue until a later date as other matters now demanded time and priority. BS said he felt it was crucial not to sideline this matter and instead asked that he expand the Working Party to include the Rhode Lane Wanderers project which was looking at recreational space on Hamp generally so as to provide a forum for both RLT2 and RLT 3 funding streams. This was agreed.

11.Dates of future Meetings; The next meeting would be tuesday 26 october 1730 

Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday 2nd Nov 2010 5.30 pm at Recreation, Rhode lane

2 Apologies;- John Cousins, Sandra Dedman,Tina Herbert,Jason Roberts,Chris Done, Julie Raven

3.Minutes of meeting of 12th Oct The minutes of the previous meeting had been circulated

One comment had been received from Chris Done which the secretary said he would put to the meeting – thus “I cannot agree to accept the minutes as complete and accurate,there are a number of additions to the minutes which I challenge were not voiced at the meeting.” He further asked that the meeting consider the following;- “I ask that you bring to the board the proposal that a separate minute taker to be appointed. The substancial work that the Secretary has been doing is compromised at the meetings by the requirement for the minute taker to be fair, impartial and accurate to all parties in the meeting; this does not give the secretary the opportunity to participate fully in the discussions”.

The chairman asked that the comments be recorded as 'noted'. The minutes were signed as accurate.

4 Matters Arising;- TH asked for an update on the minibus. The secretary said he understood it was in situ at its current safe location. BS asked for clarification on the position of the member under suspension . EXEMPT

5 FINANCIAL UPDATE;- Julie Cooper said that SDC had looked at the HCA finances but were still lacking access to internet banking and many invoices.SECTION EXEMPT DUE TO PERSONAL FINANCIAL INFORMATION  BS asked about money earmarked as ringfenced. He was told this included this. KP pointed out there should be money in there held for Somerset Active Living  . JC pointed out that John Cousins was further asking for  XXX  back from pre-paid rent. TH said we should assume a running deficit of XXXX The picture was clearly quite gloomy but there was a way forward if we were prepared to work at it.

TH said she had spoken with SDC for help and despite the threat of cuts hanging over the district she had gained funding for a further 3 months during which time we needed to ensure the ongoing viability of the HCA and its assets. It was now crucial to develop an action plan which needed to consider
  1. Assets;-were both buildings necessary or could we mothball Edinburgh rd for instance
  1. Ray Andrews from Homes in Sedgemoor would assist in doing a business review
  1. Julie Cooper would concentrate on putting future bids together..LR said that he had submitted funding bids which totalled £XXXX.
TH said we now had to take advantage of this 3 month lifeline and external funding was now crucial

JC asked if the Town Council could help in anyway -maybe by raising the precept. JT answered that they were already supporting Sydenham in this way and felt they were being asked by SDC to raise the precept as the solution to everything in the town to plug SDC funding gaps.
KP said what was crucial was to preserve services and if some could be run from Re-Creation we could indeed mothball Edinburgh road until our finances were stable.

BS asked about the implications for staff and was told this needed to be part of our action plan.

TH said that we also had to now accept that Mansfield Park had to take a back seat at the moment. GJ said that she had been in touch with Clean Surroundings and they were in the process of providing benches which she felt would be adequate for the moment.

TH said it was now important to call a meeting of the HCA to take forward the action plan. This would be put to an urgent meeting to be called next Tuesday 9th November at 5,30. At this meeting members were urged to attend and take on responsibilities and then promote them within the community.

6 REGULARISATION OF GOVERNANCE;- The secretary proposed the following clarification of the constitution in line with recommendations from the Charities Commission.
  1. Membership;- Use of the Hamp Ward Electoral Roll is recognised as the eligibility criteria for membership of the HCA .  However, this does not mean that all persons eligible for membership are members.  Persons wanting to become members would need to formally request to become members and the trustees would need to formally accept or decline the membership request.  “It was agreed that the secretary establish a register of members to be presented approved and updated at each Trustees meeting. This would be put to the next meeting along with consideration of a membership charge.
  1. Re-establishment of HCA Board of Trustees ;-Membership was confirmed as follows
Steve Austen Steve Manley John Turner Brian Smedley Gloria Jackson Jason Roberts
Tina Herbert Kathy Pearce Jon Cousins

It was noted that Sandra Dedman had declined a role as trustee or treasurer but was prepared to attend where possible as an adviser and assist with funding bids.
  1. Election/confirmation of officers . The following officers were nominated and/or confirmed in post
CHAIR;- Steve Austen
VICE CHAIR;- Gloria Jackson
SECRETARY ;-Brian Smedley
TREASURER;- John Turner*
COUNTY COUNCIL REP;- SCC confirm none nominated

*it was noted that SDC would continue to provide actual accounting and book-keeping support until appropriate and enthusiastic candidates came forward for these posts.

It was further noted that Chris Done still retained control of the bank account web access. The meeting agreed that JT & LR should visit Lloyds TSB to authorise change of signatories and re-gain control of the account
  1. Establishment of HCA (Ltd)- currently dormant company pending activation should this option be required.
BOARD;- (to be confirmed at meeting of 9th November)
  1. John Turner
  2. Steve Austen
  3. Kathy Pearce
  4. John Cousins

INTERUPTION;- The Chairman asked that it be minuted that the meeting was interupted at 18.45 by a small group from HAG/CIC led by Mark Searle and Jan Capel . Mark Searle announced to the meeting that a group of them had just held their own meeting and wished to announce that 'the Unity Agenda is now off'.
a)Edinburgh rd JC said that she had met with JR along with KP to discuss issues there. CAB would temporarily suspend its operations. LR said that the Public liability insurance had expired and he was given the authority by the meeting to deal with this first thing in the morning. The meeting on 9 Nov would determine future use and access. Options included total mothballing of the place or keeping it for sole access by clubs..

b). Re-Creation. LR said that he would undertake to get mail diverted to Re-creation from Edinburgh rd

c)Mansfield Park – it was felt that this should now take a backseat and a broader approach to greenspaces on hamp looked at .

d)Minibus ;- it was agreed that the secretary would write to Rhode Lane Wanderers to suggest a joint use package between them and Re-Creation.

.8.Dates of future Meetings; TUESDAY 9TH NOVEMBER 5.30

Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday 9th Nov 20105.30 pm at Recreation, Rhode lane

2 Apologies;- Tina Herbert, John Cousins , San dra Dedman , Julie Cooper

4 Matters Arising;- Les Riddle said that through investigation of the old Rec account a further £XXXX had been accessed. He also said t he YOP bid had n ot been succesful due to the massive increase of applicants bidding for the same pot. It was further agreed to confirm the cheque signatories as comprising of 2 from 3 viz John Turner, Kathy Pearce,Steve Austen . GJ asked if it could be possible t o date stamp mail in Edinburgh rd, this was agreed. GJ asked whether the bikes in the shed which apparently belonged to jan capel could be moved also if the prom dresses could be moved. BS agr eed to write to Jan asking this. KP proposed moving the dresses to an upstairs room unt il prom time and agreed to arrange this.. BS reported that he had written twice to the Debbie Parsons of Rhode lane wanderers offering discussions about the minibus but had yet received no reply. LR said he had a computer guy called Paul who we should now invite to sort out the internet at Edinburgh rd. This was agreed.

BS said he had received a request from Jon White of HAG asking for copies of a range of policies and proceedures. The meeting said he should write back offering an appointment to see them in the company of the chairman but should he wish copies they would have to be paid for.

5. HAMP ACTION PLAN ;- Teresa outlined an action plan for the HCA stressing that this needed to be in place before she could confirm secure funding with SDC and HiS. Ray Andrews would do a review of the business and the aim would be to keep things going at least to the end of the financial year. Brian Smedley presented a Strategy document based on Teresa and Rays action plan (appendix A). This was put to the meeting, discussed and approved. B.Smedley proposed that this be taken forward with renewed emphasis on engagement with the wider community as outlined by Appendix B. This was agreed.

a)Edinburgh rd ;- Jon Cousins had submitted a set of requests and proposals to re-establish a sound funding basis at Edinburgh road. Specifical ly it was noted that XXXX needed to be repaid to Avalon Fair Shares and this should be ringfenced for payment. The remainder of the proposals would be submitted to the first meeting of the Finance ctte which would also include Jon.

b). Re-Creation. ;- LR confirmed that there was misleading information going around that Recreation was to close as part of the county council cutbacks. This was not the case.

.8.Dates of future Meetings; Tuesday 30th November 5.30 Re-Creation. Group leaders were asked to consult their members, set up meetings and agendas, discuss and recommend actions and report back to this meeting.

Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday 30th Nov 2010 5.30 pm at Recreation, Rhode lane

2 Apologies;- Steve Austen, Teresa Harvey,Julie Cooper, Steve M anley

4 Matters Arising;- There were none

a)SEDGEMOOR DISTRICT COUNCIL RESPONSE;-The secretary reported that SDC had agreed to extend their Dece mber 1st deadline and would be sup porting the HCA with a further £16,000 to keep facilities open and to give the HCA a chance to make further funding bids.
b) Report back from sub committees
i)ADMIN & GOVERNANCE ;- Brian Smedley said the group had met on 29.11.2010 and agreed the Governance structures attached as appendices 1 Charities Commission update, & 2 HCAltd . . Work on the Constitution had also been undertaken to present a new re-worded version which clarifies membership. Appendix 3. The new structure would be in place for the AGM which would be held in January and a circular sent out which explained this and invited participation. Dorothy O Farrel the council solicitor, had submitted a paper outlining a way forward by re-launching the dormant company (HCAltd) and then transferring the charitable operation to that, thus allowing trading as a charity. Attached as Appendix 4. This would be put to the next meeting.

ii)FINANCE;- Kathy Pearce said two finance meetings had been held to try to understand the financial situation inherited.

Accounts were presented (appendix 5). Al though these showed we had funds to see us through to March with SDC help, the figures were still not clear enough . The meeting resolved to ask sedgemoor to re-look at the figures and present a more understandable breakdown of figures on a yearly basis and including Edinburgh rd staff costs..

A Future strategy for Edinburgh road (appendix 6) Kathy said we were al so being assisted by the VISTA organisation with funding ideas. She also said we needed to ask the Town council to seriously consider a funding stream . John Turner said he would investigate this option. Kathy said that despite having a breathing space to fund raise for the future we were still nevertheless in a critical position at the moment regarding Edinburgh road and urgent action had to be taken just to standstill. She proposed Option 2 from the meeting vis;-To cease the drop-in element of 1 Edinburgh road and to make Project Worker redundant with immediate effect with one month’s notice. 1 Edinburgh Road to be retained as a satellite provision for rental of rooms/community group bookings, which would be self supporting. The meeting felt it had no option but to support this and approved the recommendation . The implications are that bookings for 1 Edinburgh Road would need to be controlled through ReCreation. It is recommended that a Caretaker/Cleaner be employed on an hourly basis, as required to act as keyholder and to keep the building clean and tidy.

a Future Strategy for Re-Creation +timetable (appendix 7) . It was felt that links wi th the College and BSF needed to be developed further. The secretary would write to them. It was also agreed that he should write to local businesses for sponsorship. Attention was also drawn to the RLT money. Whilst it was resolved to look at the options for mansfield park and play equipment on Hamp generally, the secretary was asked to investigate i f any of this money could be used for Re-Creation.

It was also agreed to look into a future strategy for the HCA minibus. Jason Roberts agreed to front this Review panel and bring recommendations back to a future meeting

iii)RE-CREATION:- Jason Roberts – said 2 meetings ahd been held and progress was now bein g made with a leaflet which would be circulated promoting the new activities. A santas grotto would be run by Ben Harvey , birthday parties were a particular target to bring in income, a new 28 day invoice system had been brought in and a Facebook page for Rec had been set up.Les asked that the HCA website be reworded so that it didn;t look like he wasn;t the manager anymore. The secretary apologised and agreed to update it to make it clearer.

iv)EDINBURGH ROAD Gloria Jackson presented a report from meetings held . One recurring issue was access to the building and we needed again to change the locks. Les agreed to do this. Other recommendations were that Edinburgh Road would be used for rental of rooms by the community and group bookings. Bookings would be operated through Recreation. Other actions included.
1. Establish position of Marie Curie Tenancy and length of tenancy for other users.
Knit & Natter group.
Birth Family Support.
Avalon Fair Shares
Clarify future requirements.
2. Recruit Caretaker / Cleaner
3. Discuss with agencies who have expressed an interest in renting space: i.e. Homes in Sedgemoor, Police, Nova.


-Mansfield park;- It was agreed to re-establish the Mansfield park working party but to expand its remit to include all play areas on Hamp with a particular view to spending the £31,000 RLT2 money. Ben Harvey would be asked to chair this group.

-Hamp wireless;- The secretary offered to front an investigation into the viability of this. Members felt it was not financially practical at this time.
.8.Dates of future Meetings;
Date of next meeting;- TUESDAY 14TH DECEMBER 5.00 at RECREATION
Date of AGM;- Friday 28th January 8pm at Re-creation 
Minutes of the Board meeting held on Tuesday 14th Dec 2010 5.00 pm at Recreation, Rhode lane

2 Apologies;- S.Manley

4 Matters Arising;-Les has again changed the keys to Edinburgh road.

a)Sedgemoor District Council update;- T.H confirmed a grant of £16,000 would be presented upon receipt of an invoice. J.Cs agreed to provide this. She further suggested that Paul Harwood of PCT should be pursued for funding.J.Cp would chase this. She also said that the HCA should look to the YMCA and HiS for assistance.
b)Bridgwater Town Council update;-BS said he had written to the Town Council asking for funding for HCA to be discussed. He understood this was agreed but it was not clear how much this would be. A figure approximating £8,000 + thereafter £10,000 was being considered.
c) Report back from sub committees

i)ADMIN & GOVERNANCE (Brian Smedley Approval of re-worded constitution. BS submitted a reworded constitution. This was approved as appended.It was agreed that a membership fee of £1 be authorised.
HCA ltd – future arrangements (D.O.Farell);-M embers present agreed it was of the utmost urgency to enrol the current trustees as Directors of the HCAltd thus limiting their liability and thereafter to ensure that constitutionally elected trustees were automatically Directors. It was agreed to immediately pursue this course of action with Dorothy O Farrel from SDC
Plans for AGM ;- BS said that now the constitution was in place the AGM would be announced for 28th january. He would draft a flyer advertising this and encouraging people to join the board and stand for election.

ii)FINANCE (Kathy Pearce)
current position; - Les Riddle left the meeting at this point. Kath Pearce presented figures but these were incomplete.J.Cs established a latest balance as £XXXX  by locating statement sheets. The last date was 11.Nov.2010. The meeting discussed the current figures and projected figures at great length. It was agreed that an Emergency plan should be brought to the Board urgently to consider the gravity of the situation. JCs would present a proposal to an Emergency Board meeting which needed to be held before Christmas. Whilst it was noted that we would not manage to get the entire Board together at short notice the Board vote to curtail tonights meeting and re convene FRIDAY 17TH DECEMBER 11AM EDINBURGH ROAD. JCs proposals would be circulated for consideration and a way forward based on this debated and agreed at this meeting.

iii)RE-CREATION (Jason Roberts)-Noted that Jason Roberts had resigned from the Board.
iv)EDINBURGH ROAD (Gloria Jackson)- Health & Safety update/NNDR-defered
v)COMMUNITY REVIEW PANELS -Mansfield Park & Open spaces-deferred -Minibus -Jason Roberts would submit proposals at a later stage.

.8.Dates of next Meeting; FRIDAY 17TH DECEMBER 11AM EDINBURGH ROAD

Minutes of the Board meeting held on Friday 17th Dec 2010 1100 am at 1 Edinburgh road

2 Apologies;- S.Manley, S.Austen

5 Matters Arising; none


a)Bridgwater Town Council update;-BS said he had asked the Town Council for funding for confirmation of funding for HCA and was told this would be an immediate £6,500 and after May a figure of £10,000 PA had been included in the budget.

b) Sedgemoor District Council update;- Julie Cooper said that herself and Kathy Pearce had completed a study into the HCA accounts and potential fundings and identified the following.(see appendix A below)
c) Forward Planning ; The meeting considered a paper presented by Jon Cousins in line with the figures presented by Julie Cooper & Kathy Pearce .

.8.Dates of next Meeting; FRIDAY 7TH JANUARY 11AM EDINBURGH ROAD

Minutes of the Board meeting held on FRIDAY 7th Jan 2011 at 11.00 am at 1 Edinburgh road

2 Apologies;- Steve Austen

5 Matters Arising;

6 FINANCIAL REPORT ;- Kath Pearce said that as o f 15 dec we had £xxxx in the account. This did not yet include the £16,000 from SDC. Along with Julie Cooper she would prepare Full accounts for the AGM . On monday 10th Jan she was meeting with Paul Steele accountants along wit h the secretary, Sandra Dedman and SDCs Geri O Loughlin. The Annual Report needed to be submitted by the end of January 2011. It was noted that SDC as responsible body would take on the buildings insurance as we appeared to be paying a high figure. It was suggested that SDC could refund some overpayment. It was agreed to cancel the Employers liability element from Edinburgh rd . Somerset Skills & learning and the Police were in the process of allocating funds to HCA , the Children in Need bid was still ongoing and it was agreed to put in a bid to the SDC Grants panel (1st march). Jon Cousins announced that Time For Sedgemoor would be giving notice as of february and would therefore be leaving Edinburgh rd thus removing a strain of income. Brian Smedley said he was facilitating a Euro funding bid with a Family centre (Akropolis) in our czech twin town and HCA could be the partner thus attracting funding. The meeting agreed .


a)Bridgwater Town Council update;-
The secretary passed Grant forms to Kath Pearce to complete and submit.

b) Sedgemoor District Council update;-
Teresa Harvey had met with both Homes in Sedgemoor and the YMCA and both were keen to become involved in HCA affairs. Options could include HiS assuming a management role at Edinburgh rd although another option was reconverting to flats which could generate an income of xxxx and YMCA delivering projects out of Re-Creation. Kath Pearce said she had met with Kerry Rickards and he had offered to facilitate a further meeting. Teresa would co-ordinate this.
c) Forward Planning ;
i) Re-Creation . Steve Manley said that he would be m eeting with Les this coming monday. It was agreed that Steve should be Les' line manager and would discuss future plans for Rec with him asap.
ii) Edinburgh road. Gloria Jackson presented a full report . In particular she asked for extra cleaning input. It was agreed that she should approach Les at Rec for joint hours with their cleaner.
iii) Minibus (Jason Roberts). This project was ongoing and Jason would submit some proposals in the future.

9.Date of next Meeting; TBC
Minutes of the Board meeting held on MONDAY 17th Jan 2011 at 12.00 at 1 Edinburgh road

2 Apologies;- Kathy Pearce , Teresa Harvey, Steve Manley,John Turner

3.HCA ltd;- BS would update the Companies House website and set the wheels in motion to becoming a charity.

5 Matters Arising; JCp said that she and Kath Pearce would be meeting to look at future insurance options.

6 FINANCIAL REPORT ;- The audited accounts from Paul Steele were presented for approval and signed by the Chairman and Secretary.
JCp presented a report from herself and Kath Pearce which showed a balance of £xxxx on 13 Jan and expenditure of £xxxx since November leaving a current balance of £xxxx. There was a further £xxxx in a seperate account which related to Recreations former seperate business. The meeting approved the closure of this account and it;s incorporation into the general HCA account thus making £xxxx. The account projected an anticipated income of £xxxx over the next few months. JCs said it was neccesary to ringfence a figure within unrestricted funds to cover any potential redundancies. This was agreed. It was further agreed to wait until the AGM to decide on the termination of the internet at Edinburgh road or not – this could save £xxxx  .

a)Bridgwater Town Council update;- BS reported that the Town Council had approved the extra funding for HCA. He believed the figure to be £16,000. £6,000 from current funds and a further £10,000 budgetted into the next financial year. He noted that the Town Council was able to nominate one of their councillors onto the Board.
b) Sedgemoor District Council update;- JCp reported that Teresa Harvey had held meetings with both Homes in Sedgemoor and YMCA to consider future co-operation regarding both Edinburgh rd and Rec. Teresa and Julie would take the lead in developing a business plan. It was agreed that Jon Cousins should also be involved in this
c) Forward Planning ;
i) Re-Creation . Steve Manley had met with Les at Rec and had discussed ways to restructure cleaning operations there. There was also concern at a £xxxx electricity bill. It was agreed to do an electricity audit maybe in conjunction with EDF or to consider a Smart meter.
ii) Edinburgh road. Gloria Jackson presented a written report showing that Edinburgh rd had been stripped to the bare bones to make it affordable. Gas & Fire safety checks had been undertaken and the building had yet another change of keys. The asset register is being collated and the photocopier removed.. Historical paperwork is being filed correctly and archived. JCs reported that we were in a disadvantageous 'Hygiene collection' contract which could cost us up to 2 years extra payment if we attempted to change it. I t was delegated to Teresa H arvey to investigate and sort something out.
iii) Minibus .Jason Roberts would present a report at some stage about this. It was noted that we had now received a   fine for none notification of SORN accreditation. BS would contact DVLA.